Canadian Finn
Oskee Wee Wee
It's also terrible weather today.
and the arena isn't downtown, and the owner is mean, and the parking is expensive...
ooops...wrong thread.
It's also terrible weather today.
Love how when Buffalo can’t come close to selling out a game it’s Toronto’s fault. Anyway looks like 90% Canadian sweaters in the stands the other 10% are probably Canadians as well anyway just don’t have a sweater.Buffalo is driving distance from Toronto though. 2 hour drive is nothing.
Bad weather would have an effect on attendance....but not this bad. Numbers like this is on a fundamental mistake.Could be. But bad weather is going to scare people off. I'm not a fan of the pricing structure. Canadian hockey fans are rabid, but they're not stupid.
2 feet of snow outside guys. Gonna hurt attendance from north of the border.