What will be, will be ... so their is nothing that will be changed ... 48 teams now ...
Frenchs are happy (i speak french, know their medias !) to participate in the CHL. Same for the Brits ... it would be a mistake to think in terms of elite ... bad for the developpment. I have a lot of pleasure in watchnig these teams ... ! i discover other hockey instead of the traditional NLA (Swiss) and NHL and AHL a bit of SEL ! time for Europe to gain ground on the media level.
To develop, a league needs money, hence fans ! on the spot or on PPV or selling their rights to channels.
While it may be less interesting at the beginning, good teams still prepare for the season ... vs a bit less elite teams ... and less elite teams have the chance to play good teams. And the whole gathers audience ! (for the less elite teams, by seeing higher level hockey, and for the elite teams ... seeing their team win, also a reason for fans to show up)
We are in preseason, the season is to unfold. You will have this reduced, more intense and higher level teams playing each other. Maybe a good formula would be like now, and then you remake some groups ... and then go into playoff mode.
European Soccer developed into a very profitable (for all) and spectacular European league by including all teams accross Europe, includin the weaker ones. (not saying soccer formula is THE FORMULA, but do not ignore a successful development in something that has lots of similarities.)